Sunday, 15 February 2015

Day 14: Captain Righteous

Today's task was to take an old unfinished piece we have and finish it. I don't actually have that many of those, which left me in a bit of a pickle. So I've dusted this old piece of shit off, tidied it up, edited a bit, written an ending and here we go. It's not very good, it's one of the first things I wrote but such was the task!

                                                                                Captain Rightious
                                                                                By Jeremy Linnell
Chet Chettington: Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Is there anything up there at all? No! Because he’s at home solving all the world’s problems through likes, shares and retweets. He’s a modern hero for a modern age and we have him with us today to tell his amazing story. Say hello to Captain Righteous.
Silence. Crickets.
Captain Righteous: Thank you, thank you. Well done for not applauding, we all know that the true way to show appreciation for something is to do nothing that takes effort. Please, do all you can, and like my facebook page. My powers depend on it. Thanks for having me here Chet.
Chet: It’s a pleasure. You can tell by the complete silence of my audience that they are absolutely transfixed. So, first things first. How did you discover your amazing powers?
Captain Righteous: Well it’s a funny story. I’d just bought my first Che Guvera t-shirt and was walking home listening to P.I.L. and their world changing message when a truck full of industrial waste crashed in front of me. I was covered from head to toe. Instead of becoming sick I was instead filled with an incredible sense of self-worth. I knew I could change the world. I started right away and wrote a strongly worded letter to my MP about industrial waste.
Chet: Which of course, thanks to your amazing powers of righteousness resulted in the immediate banning of industrial waste transport and illegal disposal the world over.
Captain Righteous: Bingo. It was incredible really. I’d been given a great gift. I could change the world with minimal effort at no risk to myself and still feel great. It was wonderful.
Chet: And so you set about achieving what was to be the first of many wonderful victories; ending world hunger.
Captain Righteous:  I didn’t do that alone though. No, taking on so heinous an enemy required reinforcements
Chet: Ah yes your first sidekick Bob Geldof
Captain Righteous: Good old Bob.  Always had a soft spot for him.
Chet: Which is why you let him take the credit.
Captain Righteous: Well his career needed the boost. And he was so adamant that he wrote the song, which is adorable, but it just shows a fundamental misunderstanding of my power.
Chet: Well why don’t you elaborate for us, I’m sure our younger listeners who missed the start of your career may be similarly ignorant.
Captain Righteous: With pleasure Chet. I possess what is known as a Slacktivity Field ™ and by simply being present in the rehearsal room I was directly responsible for any and all positive change that occurred, including creativity, activity and later world-wide change.
Chet: I see. It’s fascinating, were you ever the subject of a scientific study.
Captain Righteous: Sadly not, the harder they worked to understand me the less progress they made. The Slacktivity Field ™ is self-defending in that regard. Hard work and effort just melt away in its presence.
Chet: Which is interesting because some of your critics would have us believe you don’t actually possess any powers at all.
Captain Righteous: laughs Well I’m glad you brought that up Chet. I was hoping to address my recent defeats today.
Chet: How very brave of you. It’s not your first defeat, Kony in 2012 was equally embarrassing, as was your attempt to stop a robbery by starting a Facebook campaign to prevent all robberies.
Captain Righteous: Hey now that campaign really made people think. I know for a fact several thieves felt really, really bad because of it.
Chet: That may be the case but do you know if it actually stopped any robberies? Including the one you were meant to help with?
Captain Righteous: You know I can’t answer that.
Chet: Why? Afraid of what the public will think of you?
Captain Righteous: No I literally can’t. If I attempted to find out my Slacktivity Field ™ would destroy my work.
Chet: How convenient.
Captain Righteous: Is it, Chet? I can’t make my own dinner, I can’t do my own taxes. Someone has to even make my tea for me. It’s a living hell.
Chet: It sounds awful.
Captain Righteous: It is! I mean sometimes you just want to get up and do something, but it’s just too hard. My Slacktivity Field ™ sees to that.
Chet: An emotional insight in to your personal life, but I’d really like to return to my point. Your recent failure to defeat B.O.O.M. (Brotherhood Of Oppressed Majorities) was an abject failure. They walked right over the entire country and took a firm hold.
Captain Righteous: I don’t know what happened Chet, and that’s the honest truth.
Chett: Well some might say your decision to encourage your Slackateers to not get involved was a blunder, as was your own choice of remaining at home.
Captain Righteous: My Slacktivity Field ™ works best the further away from the danger and conflict I remain. It’s also aided by a comfy chair and a hot, sweet cup of tea.
Chet: Your critics still would argue that, perhaps, becoming directly involved would have helped. A punch to the face of their leader perhaps, or countering their attempts at social conditioning.
Captain Righteous: Again that just shows ignorance of the public. People have lost faith in those systems of conflict resolution. With my powers we can solve problems peacefully, safely and most importantly comfortably.
Chet: Well that brings us to the end of our interview, I’d like to thank you for being here and ask you if you had a final message for our audience and your fans, the Slackateers.
Captain Righteous: You don’t need a Slacktivity Field ™ to be a hero. You all have an equally powerful one at your disposal. Wi-fi will save us all.
Chet: Goodbye Captain Righteous

Captain Righteous: Goodby Chet, thanks for having me here. Would someone mind carrying me home? 

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