Friday, 27 February 2015

Day 26: (r)Evolution

Write a play only you understand. Ok. I can do that! This is based on a dream I had, I've had it kicking about for a while, so it's great to have some use of it.

                                                                      By Jeremy Linnell
(N.B. All parts are gender neutral. Him is used due to author laziness. At several times the script calls for blackout. However this could be replaced with high pitched static, a siren or anything else that overwhelms the sense of sight or sound. Deprivation or assault)
Scattered about an area through which audience can walk freely are 4 characters Lion, Mouse, Monkey and Rabbit. They wear ornate masks. Their voices come from a place that is not themselves. Lion sits on a tall, ornate chair, on a raised platform with Mouse kneeling beside him. Monkey and Rabbit mill about the room, sometimes inspecting the audiences clothing, or their faces, with wonder or jealousy. They gaze at the platform with open, wanton lust. At various points they can interact with the audience Monkey cajoling, taunting and mocking, while Rabbit seduces and suggests. Mouse will whisper in ears of the best path to take and Lion will simply bark orders from the stage. A musical choice could really aid the atmosphere, one of paranoia, whispers and false hope that might be true.
Rabbit: Who’s Lion today? Is it you?
Monkey: It’s the same Lion as yesterday.
Rabbit: Where’s Parrot?
Monkey: Gone. Lion won.
Rabbit: Perhaps today?
Monkey: Unlikely. We’re short now. Lion will remain for a while, I think.
Rabbit: When will Parrot return?
Monkey: Never. As another animal perhaps, but when?
Rabbit: What if we…
Monkey: No, not with Mouse beside them. Mouse sees all. For protection.
Rabbit: The shades return. They surround us. They might help.
Monkey: Who, though? You could use your talents, Rabbit. Give them an incentive.
Rabbit: A Lion doesn’t use the skills of a Rabbit.
Monkey: Form was given to suit. Too much time doing what rabbits do?
Rabbit: You talk too much and give yourself away. Jealousy ill becomes you Monkey. Silence always wins. Now hush, Lion speaks.
A ritual begins, movement around the space, urging the audience to move with it. Mouse leads as Lion refuses to move from the stage.
Lion: Today I am Lion. There is no Lion other than me. Once I devour you all then Lion shall be free.
REST: You are Lion, to feast you’re free, but devour the rest and set me free.
Lion: So sure in my power this I decree: If it’s Lion that’s devoured then Lion you’ll be.
REST: Your generous rules keep us fair and free.
Mouse returns to the stage, standing slightly behind Lion. Monkey and Rabbit converse amongst themselves and consider the audience.
Mouse: Rabbit and Monkey appear to be plotting. I suggest, perhaps, that we, that is, you, could push them to devour each other.
Lion: My interference is unnecessary, their fight will drain and distract them, I shall devour their weakened corpses.
Mouse: If there is nothing left for us, pardon me, you, then what?
Lion: There are other options.
Mouse: Surely we must consider the day lost.
Lion: And try again tomorrow. There are many faces to wear. Death ends the day. I am Lion.
Through this exchange Monkey and Rabbit have continued to talk, to examine the audience and possibly close the circle or open up pathways in the room. They explore, examine and question. Monkey notices Mouse and Lion talking. Monkey beckons Mouse. After a moments consideration Lion gives their consent and allows Mouse leave.
Monkey: You betray us Mouse, Lion will devour you too.
Mouse: Later. Last survivor sees all.
Rabbit: We could blind you.
Mouse: Open violence? In this place? You’d ruin us all.
Monkey: An eternity seeking your ruin is more meaningful than your escape.
Rabbit: I still remember when Parrot pecked out your eyes.
Mouse: And yet here I stand, free to see. Lion guards. Parrot failed. Back they go. They must start again.
Monkey and Rabbit look to each other
Both:  Before this days end we will see your corpse upon Lion’s teeth, and feast upon his marbled flesh. Parrot’s fate will not be ours.
A dance, a synchronising of ideals, with broken intent. They want to click like gears yet they grind like the same.
At lights up Monkey and Rabbit are panting, desperate, separate. Broken? Not quite, But close. Maybe they should be.
Mouse and Lion: The shades gaze. Why show your worst to those worthless voyeurs. Our Faces protect us.
Rabbit: We showed nothing, you own and control. Our eyes were shut. Anything seen was an illusion.
Mouse: You call Lion delusional?
Monkey: You twist through broken insight, Mouse. Projecting your own faults. The lights were black and the gaze was broken. You know the rules.
Rabbit: We can still break you little one.
Lion: Not while I command.
Monkey: So you say, but Lion is the least of us.
Mouse: Nonsense. He makes the rules.
Monkey: But easily displaced. He’s ours to use.
Lion: Silence. Monkey your petty attempts at usurping are not unnoticed. (A beat) Your partner is silent.
Rabbit: Considering my options.
Lion: Consider this. Monkey offers you nothing but taunting and betrayal. I offer comfort.
Rabbit: And your seated majesty promises more.
Monkey: Do not listen.
Monkey slaps Rabbit. A bell rings. Deep. Dooming. Damning.
ALL: We fail and now it comes. We must atone. Offer the prayer.
All sing. Loud. Anthemic. Hypnotic. The song is awful, broken, but oh so memorable. A chant.
Rabbit approaches Lion. There is arousal, we all want it. Suck it. Drink it. Taste them. Rabbit pauses before stepping upon the stage, Lion gives a gesture of approval.
Rabbit: Why trust the eyes of something so small?
Lion: Your face displeases me, frame it for my pleasure and I will listen.
Rabbit: You were once whore.
Lion: As were you. We rotate.
Rabbit: To please.
Lion: To survive.
Monkey: You broken fools destroyed us last.
Mouse: You do not get to interfere.
Monkey: They broke and damned us. My voice is needed.
Lion: Quiet. We’re here through choice.
Monkey: The choice to leave.
Rabbit: Afraid to stay?
Monkey: We all know the rules.
Mouse: And we know that Lion can change them.
Monkey: So why should he change them for you?
Rabbit: Why should we break for you?
Monkey: Your cock and cunt atrophies, your stagnation drags us down. Parrot knew better.
Rabbit: That’s not an answer.
Monkey: Lion is not our only escape.
Mouse: The masks guide us.
Monkey: The roles enslave us.
Lion: If we move up the door will open.
Rabbit: Parrot was a fool. Death was our door.
Lion: We can free each other.
Mouse:  If we follow the rules.
Monkey: You know nothing. Our blood is spilling and filling the veins of another. Parrot is gone and we shall follow. We cannot leave.
Lion: I was appointed.
Mouse: The rules were given.
Rabbit grinds upon Lion’s crotch
Rabbit: And we can follow.
Lion: We came. Freely. We joined. Willingly.
Monkey: Who remembers the joining? Our history is worthless.
Lion: It demonstrates my power
Rabbit: Tell us. Please.
Monkey: The words seduce, you fools allow them to fuck your ears. I will not watch their spunk dribble inside your worthless holes.
Monkey shrinks back in to the crowd, away from the stage. He sits among them, refusing to take part. Pointedly he turns his chair to face away.
Lion: I summoned all the lost and damned, to prove their worth. Those that were unworthy were cast away. Those that I favour will leave when I do. I shaped this place, and you, to bring out your best selves. This is why I am Lion.
Rabbit and Mouse listen intently.
Mouse: You are wise.
Lion: I know.
Rabbit: And powerful.
Lion: I know.
Rabbit rubs Lion
Rabbit: Tell us more of this place.
Lion: The shades that surround us are also my creation. To protect and guard; myself and my chosen.
Blackout. On Lights up Mouse is dead. The mask removed and replaced with one that is blank and featureless. Empty vessel. The Mouse mask sits on the floor beside Rabbit
Lion: Who killed Mouse?
Rabbit: Me, my Lion. To prove devotion. Mouse was a traitor. Plotting to murder you.
Lion: And you no doubt. You have proven yourself well.
Rabbit: My strength comes from you. I was only able to kill with you beside me.
Lion: When the time comes we shall leave together.
Blackout. When we return this time Lion is dead, slumped on the throne, mask removed and replaced with a blank face. Rabbit holds both trophies, rocking back and forth on their heels, contemplating Monkey
Monkey: Clever, Rabbit. Using your Face to hide behind. Looking to be the next Lion? They should have heeded my warning and ignored you.
Rabbit: Let me have your Face. It can be without pain. You have been Monkey too long, it becomes you.
Monkey: Surely you take me for a fool Rabbit. Our Faces are the key. A key that one earns, not takes through selling themselves.
Movement. Rabbit seducing Monkey. Monkey retreats in to the audience. A bell rings.
Monkey: The death trigger beckons. My body is not yours. The day is over.
Rabbit: But tomorrow I’m Lion. I shall devour you.
Monkey: But you won’t leave.
Blackout, faded down as the bell continues to ring. Sink out in to nothingness and oblivion.


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