Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Day 16: Stream Of Conciousness

Today's task was simply to write in a stream on consciousness. It was suggested we do this for around 15 minutes. This is actually a commonly suggested daily exercise for writers as it removes your inner censor and allows ideas to simply flow. The task suggested (for non-existant bonus points) we could edit and re-edit until it's perfect but I've not done this. Here is raw, unfiltered morning brain.

                                                                     Stream Of Consciousness
                                                                           By Jeremy Linnell

Gary: I just saw an advert for someone wanting to buy a baby. I didn’t know you could do that. I mean I know you could see people but babies? They’re too small to do anything! They just eat, and wee and poo. If you’re buying something surely you want it to do something, right? And those tiny hands wouldn’t get much work done. Seems like a poor investment to me.  Not that I’m a stranger to poor investments. Seem to make them all the time. I don’t know if it’s because I’m bad with money or money is bad with me. That doesn’t really make sense does it? No I suppose not. But it’s one of those sayings, isn’t it? When you think about it lots of sayings don’t make much sense. Idioms in general are weird. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush? Not if you own the bush! Then you have three birds. Talking of birds my brother, he owned this parrot, that thing would not shut up. Although, it turns out, the thing about them talking is a total lie. They more…squark in ways that happen to sound like words. They imitate. Don’t really understand what they’re saying. But then couldn’t the same be said of most people. Politicians especially. Ha! Election coming up. Not sure who I’ll vote for. Well that’s a lie. Green. Obviously. I mean I know they say it’s a rested vote but I used to literally waste my vote so if I’m honest it seems like a step up.  I don’t think much will change though, I’m not naïve like that. Nothing ever changes. Learned that a long time ago. Every day’s the same. Sure the little details change, do I have tea or coffee, what do I wear. But really. It’s the same. Life, by its nature is repetitive. Boring even. That’s why we drink. Or do drugs. Something to make the days seem more different, more exciting than they are. But they can’t be that exciting, can they? I mean I don’t think our brains would take it. We like routine. Well I do. I like knowing where I’m coming from and where I’m going. Which is ironic because really, I still haven’t quite figured that out. Has anyone really? Have you. No I didn’t think so. It’s hard because, despite the repetition, the routine, things CAN just happen. Car crashes. Breakups. Sudden pregnancy. I guess that’s why that person wanted to buy a baby. At least then you know which one you’re getting. And that it’s definitely not yours. No paranoia then. Then no distrust. Not that I don’t trust people. Actually that’s a lie. I don’t trust anyone. Not even myself. Can you imagine me with a child? I mean you’ve only just met me. Do you think I say “I mean” a lot? Someone said I did once. They were drunk though, and not very happy with me. So they might have just being mean. But the thing about being mean is it only really works if it’s a little bit true, don’t you think? Otherwise it’s not mean. It’s just stupid. Cruelty can only really come from insight. My ex was pretty good that. Knew me better than anyone, like I knew her. Suppose that’s why our fights got so bad in the end. We’d  spent years learning where the chinks in each other’s armour was. Is that an idiom, you know, like we were talking about earlier? That one makes sense though. Although, serious, I saw someone get offended because they didn’t know that chink in the armour was a thing. Thought I was being racist. I wasn’t though. It is a saying. I guess maybe sayings only don’t make sense when you don’t understand them. And some words do sound a bit racist. Like niggardly. Which means cheap, or mean. Although, does it mean that because of the words association? Maybe it is racists. I don’t know. I haven’t really looked in to it. 

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