Saturday, 28 February 2015

Day 27: H2WHOAH

Today, the penultimate challenge, was a free choice, re-do a challenge you think you could do better. I decided to re-do the challenge about writing a play without emotion. It's ended up in a bit of a stream of consciousness style again, well I was reacting to it line by line. Probably failed at the emotionless part. If that's true let's say I re-did the "one that only makes sense to you" thing. Or the stream of conciousness one. HA! Only one day left.

                                                      By Jeremy Linnell

A: Fire burns
B: Water drowns
A: But which is the victor?
B: The survivors.
A: And in mutual destruction?
B: Those who lost the least.
A: Casualties?
B: Scored points.
A: Callous of you.
B: Realistic.
A: I’d be careful what you say.
B: Aren’t I amongst confidents? Friends even?
A: I made no promises.
B: An unspoken agreement then.
A: Do we ever agree if we don’t speak of it?
B: You’re splitting hairs.
A: Not really. You never asked me. So how could I agree?
B: Friends know.
A: Then I guess we’re not really friends.
B: That feels unfair. I was there when you needed me.
A: And I was there for you. It’s a marriage of convenience. Nothing more. Get over yourself.
B: So you would really think nothing of…putting me out, as it were?
A: Not if I had to. Besides, I thought callousness was a virtue.
B: It’s different up close.
A: Have you eaten?
B: Not lately.
A: You look hungry.
B: I’m fine.
A: That’s a lie.
B: You can’t possibly know…
A: Of course I do. It’s written all over your face. You’re not even trying to hide it are you.
B: I don’t have anything to hide.
A: Is it possible for you to open your mouth and not lie?
B: Just because you disagree does not mean I’m lying.
A: No, lying means you’re lying.
B: We’re at an impasse.
A: No, your need for validation wants you to think that. You wish to think us equals.
B: I should crack your face and reveal your truth.
A: It’s not I who’s the liar. Yes the jellied holes beg for release. They swivel and hunt for a pairing.
B: I somehow feel we’ve gotten off track.
A: Finally something we agree on.
B: Fire and water meet. Who’s the victor?
A: Simple. Steam.
B: Ah so whoever arises from the conflict?
A: That has destroyed the old.
B: Will rise and find its strength.
A: Now you’re getting it.
B: Steam is good for the pores.
A: Pores, pours, doors, whores. What do they have in common?
B: Oh I know this one…I lost it.
A: Well think it through. It makes sense I promise.
B: They all…oh. Nothing. They all have nothing in common.
A: Exactly.
B: It’s a bit of a trick.
A: Sometimes there isn’t a link. Sometimes things just happen.
B: How nihilistic with you.
A: Not really, common misconception.
B: Can’t you let me win just one?
A: You win, when you win. Anything else doesn’t count.
B: It’d boost my self-esteem.
A: Not my job.
B: It’d be nice though.
A: Nothing to do with me. Up to you to manage yourself.
B: Can’t you let me have just one?
A: Pfft. No.
B: But why!
A: Because then I don’t win.

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