Today's stimulus was the first line of a play "Put the knife down Linda. Fine, I’ll tell you what he did with the apple!" and bonus points (that mean nothing) for using the final line "Prawns, that’s what it was.". It was a lot of fun writing from basic starting lines, and this is one I'd really like to see what other people did. It seemed to suggest to me a moment of high tension ultimately ending in some sort of revelation around a mundane item. In less wanky terms a cheesy Agatha Christie style dinner party climax complete with horribly outdated attitudes to women, foreigners and homosexuals. It was a lot of fun indulging in such a cheesy, and vaguely offensive, style!
Definitely The Worst Party I’ve Been To
By Jeremy Linnell
A elaborate dinner
party, like something out of Agitha Christie. One of the guests is dead. In a
panic the Matron Linda has grabbed
the carving knife and waving it about, at Detective
Rowlzner, at Doctor Proctor, at Father McInnery, at Sargent Plume and the Maid Kitty. The dead body is local business
man Tycoon Floon.
Rowlzner: Put the knife down Linda. Fine, I’ll
tell you what he did with the apple!
Linda: No you won’t. You’ll all blame me. 4 men, 1 woman I see where this is going.
Rowlzner: Calm down you’re hysterical.
Plume approaches her from behind, disarms her of the knife and, for good
measure, slaps her.
Rowlzner: Thank you. Was the slap really necessary?
Plume: I’m courting her.
Rowlzner: Ah ok, makes sense. It won’t damage
her will it? I need her testimony.
Proctor: No, in fact a daily blow to the face
is shown to aid a woman’s constitution.
Rowzlner: Really….? Hmmmm
He thinks for a moment and then slaps
Proctor: I said once a day!
Rowlzner: Did you? I wasn’t really listening.
Sorry. Where were we.
Plume: This apple business.
Linda: Yes I want to know how he died.
Rowlzner: You seem awfully interested in the
death of someone you just met.
Linda: Well…I mean…it could be any of us
Kitty: She bang dead man!
Linda glowers at the maid
Rowlzner: Are you telling you me you had *ahem*
relations with the deceased Mr. Floon?
Kitty: That’s what I said!
Plume: Bloody foreigners. Send them all
Kitty: And you 100% British? Plume is
Yugoslavian name!
Plume: Well I uh…uh..uhh
Proctor: Can we please get back to the matter
at hand please. The dead man? The apple.
Rowlzner: Ah yes…the apple. It was poisoned you see.
Collective gasps all round
Rowlzner: Yes someone gave poor deceased Mr.
Floon an apple laced with poison hoping that he would bite it and it would kill
him. The first part of their plan succeed.
Plume: What do you mean?
Rowlzner: I mean it was not the apple that
killed him!
Proctor: How can you possibly know that?
Rowlzner: Well I spoke to Floon earlier and I noticed he
constantly fondled a gold crucifix. It seemed odd to me that a man so ruthless
in his pursuit of power and wealth would have a religious bent. So I sought out
an expert in theological matters to aid me. Father McInnery!
McInnery: That’s true. We spoke for hours, on
many things.
Rowlzner: But there was one thing you told me
that was rather unique wasn’t it Father. Don’t be embarrassed. You’re in good
McInnery: Recently Floon had become obsessed
with self-flagellation. However due to his work, which often required him to
dress and undress in front of others, he did not want any new, unexplainable scars.
Rowlzner: So you offered him a solution.
McInnery: As we believe sin originated from
eating the apple that Satan offered Eve I suggested that perhaps by eating a
poisoned apple might we taint the serpent’s gift and cleanse us of his sinful
Rowlzner: Which it appears Floon took rather literally.
He’s been eating poison apples since you had that conversation and built
himself up quite an immunity. Thus it was impossible for him to be killed by
this poison apple.
He sees Plume going to finish it off
Rowlzner: I said it was impossible for HIM
Plume. You would certainly drop quite dead.
Proctor: So who killed him?
Rowlzner: All in good time my friend, all in
good time. However attempted murder is still murder. So we must first identify
the culprit of that crime. Which, really is quite obvious. Isn’t it Linda!
Linda: What? No…I….
Rowlzner: Don’t think I’d noticed your
suspicious silence. You think panicking and pointing a knife at everyone would
distract me? I know you loved him.
Linda: He was supposed to leave his wife for
me! Bastard. All of you are the same. Empty promises and limp minutes alone.
Rowlzner: That’s enough of that talk. Tie her
up. And gag her. I have no reason to listen to the prattling of a hysterical
woman any more.
Kitty: So who kill Floon if not crazy lady?
Rowlzner: Ah well that’s simple. It’d be
someone who knew about his poison immunity, someone who could talk to Linda
regularly along and push her in to making her own attempt, someone who had been
secretly admiring Floon’s body for years but knew due to his wife and affairs
he’s never stood a chance. Someone who knew about his lethal shellfish allergy.
Someone hosting this very party and could plan the menu accordingly, hiding the
lethal crustacean in a simple soup.
Plume: You mean?
Rowlzner: Yes our poor, heart-broken fruit of a
doctor, Proctor. I trust you’ll come quietly, like a gentleman of your disposition
is supposed to?
Proctor: Of course. What’s the point? He’s
gone. Maybe in the next world I can have him. Take me to the gallows.
Rowlzner: Prawns, that’s what it was.
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