Thursday, 26 February 2015

Day 25: Static

Anger? What makes you angry? Write a play about that. Unleash your inner demons and tell the world what you think of it. Maybe even how to fix it. That's roughly what our brief was for today. I'm not smart/arrogant enough to tell people how to fix things. This was also kind of an experiment with format. The formatting is really important so I hope blogger preserves it. This is a pseudo stream of consciousness piece (I followed my nose mostly, but with time to reflect on what I was writing instead of a complete brain dump)

                                                                        By Jeremy Linnell
A man, dripping blood, strapped to a school desk, is wheeled on by two people. Their forms large and imposing, their faces obscured. They hold the knives, ready to carve his meat. An explosion of static. Here we go.
Sound the alarm
                                    Can you hear me?
Stop that                                                                      You’re acting childish

                        It’s for your own good

                                                                                                                        You’re lying to yourself
1300 dead
Please fill out the form
New victims found at the scene
10-15 working days

                                                                                                            A number of children
Did you just push in?
                                                                                                            I really mean it
What are you some sort of freak?
                                                                        It should be illegal
                                                            For your own safety
            Why didn’t you tell me?
                                                                                                            Mass graves
                        Dead for days
                                                            If you’ve done nothing wrong you have nothing to hide
Security enforced media blackout

                                                            It all hurts




                                    Oh he’s off again

                                                                                                Another rant
Another one of his moods

                                                            Paedophile ring
2.5 million unemployed
                                                                                    £39 for breakfast
                                    Have you tried breathing?

            You just need to get on with things.

                                                                                                            Everyone gets sad
503,000 vacanies
                                                Immigrants cause traffic congestion

I wouldn’t worry about it
Oh look at this: Katie vs Katie
We’re here to help
£30,000 for getting you a job
Your best interests at heart
So trust us, ok?
You have a bit of an attitude
                        What are those scars?
                                                                                    I think we need some time apart
I can’t give you the help you need
                                                                                                You manic episodes scared me
            I tried to warn you this would happen
                                                It always does
                                                                        Over and over
                                                                                                And over
Until it stops
                                                            30 years is more than enough
Do you want 30 more? How about 35?
                                                                                                Why don’t you do something?
This is the way it has to be.
                                                Do you really think that would work?
You’re a fucking idiot.
                                                                        No you can’t leave.
                                    Sometimes you just have to take it.
             That’s what being a grown up is

                                                LET’S GET BACK TO THE REST OF IT

Ignore my problems
                                                            Tasers used on 400 children in 2013
                                    There’s probably a good reason
            Have you seen children these days?
No good
            No worth
                        No hope
So how are the kids?
                        ISIS soldiers
                                                                                                Blew up a school
Watched his friends die
                                                They’re all self-harming these days
                        Probably like the attention
                                    Is it really your place to ask?
                                                                                                            Maybe I should just shut up?
            No it’s ok.
                                                Please understand.
                                                This is how it has to be

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